2015 Langley Cruise-In
by nitrolube on Sep.19, 2015, under Racing News
2015 Langley Cruise-In ( www.langleycruise-in.com ) had another successful
year. NitroLube was proud to be on the main walkway under the Lordco Auto
Parts Flags.( www.lordco.com ) 1100 hundred cars and 50,000 people attended
the biggest car show in Canada. NitroLube would like to thank the R & P
Motorsports Team for their appearance at our booth and their cooperation
with using our products for all their race cars. They had their new LeMan’s
Sports Racer, road endurance race car in the booth, for all the kids to sit in
and take pictures. Everyone had a great day and a wonderful venue again.
- 2015 Langley Cruise-In