19TH Annual Great Canadian VW Car Show
by nitrolube on Aug.09, 2010, under Uncategorized
NitroLube was honored to be involved and invited to participate with the Canadian BAJA1000 YOLO Racing Team as they attended the 19TH Annual Great Canadian VW Car Show, in Coquitlam, B.C. this past weekend.
Some of the best looking and extreme VW’s vehicles were on exhibit. Some amazing work by some dedicated car enthusiastic made the show very exciting with trophies going to some well deserved participants. NitroLube along with the YOLO Racing Team were bringing awareness to the Firefighters charities Drive-a-Thon and raising money for a very good cause.
To help out you can donate for the 2010 BAJA1000 here…. http://yoloracing.com/driveathon.html